Party People

Scenic & Lighting Design

The Berkeley Repertory Theatre, October 2014 (scenic & lighting)
Oregon Shakespeare Festival, July 2012 (lighting only)

2014 Theatre Bay Area Award Outstanding Lighting Design Nomination

Written by UNIVERSES (Steven Sapp, Mildred Ruiz-Sapp, and William Ruiz, aka Ninja)
Directed by Liesl Tommy

Costume Design by Meg Neville
Projection Design by Alexander V. Nichols
Composition, Music Direction, & Sound Design by Broken Chord Collective

This new musical explores the legacy of the Black Panther Party and the Young Lords, activists who fought social injustice and provide care for their communities all while actively being persecuted by the United States government. This piece is based on dozens of interviews with party members and imagines these activists reuniting at a happening curated by two children of party members.

More info here


The Secret Garden


El Nino